Tag: katmai national park and preserve

National Parks Of The U.S.A.: Katmai National Park & Preserve

Katmai National Park and Preserve is located in southwest Alaska, The park is named after Mount Katmai; Mount Katmai is a stratovolcano that is located in the park. Katmai is open year-round. 


There are many birds that may be seen in the park, including:

  1. Great-Horned Owl(Bubo Virginianus)
  2. Common Raven(Corvus corax)
  3. Canada Jay(Perisoreus canadensis)
  4. Black-Capped Chickadee(Poecile atricapillus) 
  5. Boreal Chickadee(Poecile hudsonicus)
  6. Common Redpoll(Acanthis flammea)
  7. Bald Eagle(Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
  8.  Spruce Grouse(Falcipennis canadensis)
  9.   Rock Ptarmigan(Lagopus muta)
  10. Willow Ptarmigan(Lagopus Lagopus)
  11.  Greater Yellowlegs(Tringa melanoleuca)
  12.  Hudsonian Godwit(Limosa haemastica)
  13.  Tundra Swan(Cygnus columbianus)
  14. Black-Billed Magpie(Pica hudsonia)
  15. Glaucous- Winged Gull(Larus glaucescens)
  16.  Harlequin Duck(Histrionicus histrionicus)
  17. Black Oystercatcher(Haematopus bachmani)
  18.  Horned Puffin(Fratercula