Tag: defenders of wildlife

Wildlife Fact File: Polar Bears

Learn more about polar bears and their threats!

Why are Polar Bears so iconic? What makes them unique? Is climate change really their biggest threat? Let’s find out.

Polar Bears are the largest bears in the world with some coming in at a whopping 1,700 pounds. These iconic, white bears are only found in the Arctic where they are the top predator feeding almost exclusively on ringed and bearded seals, although they have been known to snack on Walrus, Beluga Whale and Bowhead Whale carcasses.

Polar Bears are both terrestrial and pagophilic, or ice-living, meaning they rely heavily on … Continue

Myth Busted: Are Penguins And Polar Bears Friends?

This YouTube short was produced by Defenders Of Wildlife. The staff and employees of Defenders Of Wildlife do not necessarily share the opinions expressed on BrantaMedia.Com.

Are penguins and Polar Bears friends?

Are Polar Bears and penguins friends? Polar Bears live exclusively in the Northern hemisphere and penguins almost entirely in the Southern hemisphere. The farthest north you’ll find a penguin… is Ecuador. So no, Polar Bears and penguins aren’t friends. In fact, they don’t even know the other exists. Myth busted.

Defenders of Wildlife works on the ground, in the courts, and on Capitol Hill to protect Continue

Map Chats: Pinyon Jays

This YouTube video was produced by Defenders Of Wildlife. The Staff and employees of Defenders Of Wildlife do not necessarily share the opinions expressed on BrantaMedia.Com.

Check out the second episode of “Map Chats” – where our Center for Conservation Innovation Mappers host a quick chat with our experts about our latest maps! This episode features Laura and Peggy discussing why it’s important to “Protect One to Benefit Many”. Explore the story map at https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/356e357a2ffa47f1b54fc840a6f73611

Video Transcript

Laura: Hi mappers! I’m Laura Nunes, Senior GIS Analyst at Defenders of Wildlife. And welcome to Map Chats.

Today, we are taking … Continue

Women In Science

This YouTube video was produced by Defenders Of Wildlife. The staff and employees of Defenders Of Wildlife do not necessarily share the opinions expressed on BrantaMedia.Com.

Meet just some of our incredible women in science!


Christi Heun: So when I was a little kid, I really wanted to be Indiana Jones when I grew up. And then regrettably, my mom told me that was not a career option. So I went the next best thing, which is science. When I was a little kid, I also really liked hanging out outside, hanging out with the bugs and critters. … Continue

What Is Safe Passage?

This YouTube video was produced by Defenders Of Wildlife. The staff and employees of Defenders Of Wildlife do not necessarily share the opinions expressed on BrantaMedia.Com.

Join Defenders Ben Prater and Tracy Davids to find out just what safe passage means for the wildlife of North Carolina! “Safe Passage: The I-40 Pigeon River Gorge Wildlife Crossing Project” is a collaborative of 20+ local, state, tribal, and federal agencies who believe it’s possible to balance the needs of native wildlife with the ever-growing human population in East Tennessee and Western North Carolina.

We’re traveling along Interstate 40 and we’re … Continue