Category: Animals

This category is dedicated to animal related topics

Meet Abby The Sea Otter! -Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Pawesome Ladies

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Find yourself some carwash kelp and snuggle up: It’s time to meet Abby the Sea Otter! Rescued as a newborn in July ’07 by the Santa Barbara Marine Mammal Rescue Center, Abby was raised at SeaWorld San Diego. In June ’12, she joined our sea otter program, and became a surrogate mother to her first pup, Sina, in January 2013! To spot Abby in our Sea Otter Exhibit, look for the all-brown otter who loves to stick out her tongue—she also likes playing with artificial kelp, taking ice baths and eating frozen clam pops. Thanks for all … Continue

Meet Kit The Sea Otter! – Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Pawesome Ladies

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Meet Kit The Sea Otter! Five week-old Kit was found stranded in Morro Bay Harbor in January 2010. A California Department of Fish and Wildlife biologist rescued her, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service declared her non-releasable. Kit became the youngest sea otter pup ever to go on exhibit at the Aquarium at just 11 weeks old! She quickly learned critical otter skills, like cracking open clams and eating live crabs without getting bit! In June 2012, she was transferred to SeaWorld San Diego where she continued to mature and learned how to socialize with other … Continue

Meet Ivy The Sea Otter! | Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Pawesome Ladies

Monterey Bay Aquarium

This blonde certainly has a lot of fun: Time to meet Ivy the Sea Otter! Ivy was found stranded in November 2011 as a two-week-old pup on Cayucos State Beach. She was cared for by Sea Otter Program staff for seven weeks, and then introduced to Toola—the Aquarium’s first and most experienced surrogate mother at the time. Sadly, due to a number of factors, Ivy couldn’t be released to the wild, and was declared non-releasable by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Ivy joined our sea otter exhibit in December 2012 at just over one year old, and … Continue

Meet Selka The Sea Otter! | Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Pawesome Ladies

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Shark bite survivor, sea otter scientist, and surrogate mother: Time to meet the hardworking Selka the Sea Otter! Selka was found stranded in July of 2012 off Cayucos, California as a one-week-old pup. She was cared for at the Aquarium and released into the wild in June 2013. Unfortunately, eight weeks after release, she was found hauled out in Moss Landing Harbor with severe shark bite injuries. She underwent extensive surgery and recovery back at the Aquarium, and splashed back into the wild four months later. After several months in the wild, Selka was brought back to … Continue

Big Cats On Witness Protection? In 3D

Big Cat Rescue

What does it mean to have big cats in a Witness Protection Program here at Big Cat Rescue? This video features former witness protection big cats Jinx, Sapphire, Dutchess, and Jasmine.… You can help feed the cats at no cost to you using Amazon Smile! Visit BIG CAT TV is a close look into our day-to-day operations, the conservation efforts we support, and the exotic feline residents of “Big Cat Rescue” in Tampa, FL. USA. Big Cat Rescue is an educational non-breeding, accredited, sanctuary and a registered non-profit 501c3 so your donations are tax deductible! … Continue