What Are Insects?

Insects belong to the largest animal group. There are over 5 million species of insects in the world which have been discovered. Insects are invertebrates, this means that they don’t have a backbone. They have exoskeletons which are hard and are located on the outside of their bodies which help protect their bodies. They are cold-blooded animals.
Insects have been on Earth for more than 320 million years. The oldest insects in the world are dragonflies, cockroaches, and termites. Insects can be found on land, in the oceans, in arctic conditions, in volcanic conditions, and at incredibly high altitudes. It has been estimated that there are over 10 quintillion insects on the planet at any given time.

Beautiful Monarch butterfly perched on a bright yellow flower.

Insects are Vital

Insects are a vital part of the ecosystem. They are seen as pests and people want to get rid of them, but they have a very important role in our world. Insects pollinate most of the world’s flowers, fruits and vegetables, if the insects didn’t do that, then people wouldn’t have as much food as they do now. Additionally, insects also keep the population of other insects under control, which keeps a balance that is essential, otherwise things would get out of control.

Hatching from Eggs

The majority of insects hatch from eggs and they become larvae/grubs, this state makes them look like short worms. After this stage, they turn into pupa, where they undergo metamorphosis and turn into fully grown insects. During the growing early stages of their life, insects spend most of their time eating. This is why insects lay their eggs near food sources, so they can begin eating as soon as they hatch from their eggs.

Dogbane Beetle on a green plant leaf.


The bodies of insects are split up into three parts, these are: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen.


The head of the insect is where the eyes, mouth, and antenna are found. The eyes of insects are very different than human eyes. Insects have compound eyes which allows them to see a lot more because of the many lenses theirs eyes have. Human eyes only have one lens.
The mouth of the insects can be split into different categories as well. Some insects have a mouth which is long and thin like a tube. This type of mouth can be used to suck nectar from flowers. The other type of mouth is used for chewing. This mouth can be used to chew up leaves and can be found on insects like ants and termites.
Insects have antennas which they use to figure out the temperature, find food, find locations to lay their eggs, find partners, and avoid chemicals like pesticides. The antennas of some insects can be used to taste things as well.


All insects have six legs. If you see something which has more than six legs, then it isn’t an insect. The legs of an insect are attached to the thorax. Insects can fall into two different categories, they either have wings or not. The wings are also attached to the thorax.


The abdomen is where all of an insect’s organs for digestion, reproducing, and breathing are located. Insects breathe through the sides of their abdomen. Their blood carries food and nothing else. So unlike humans, their blood doesn’t carry oxygen. Also, insects do not have red blood, their blood is normally clear or yellowish green.
