Category: Animals

This category is dedicated to animal related topics

Jane Alexander – Lights Out for Birds

Our thanks to actor, author and bird advocate Jane Alexander for telling people about Lights Out during this spring migration season. Light pollution can confuse and disorient birds, and it’s estimated that up to a billion birds die in building collisions every year. We recommend both turning off nonessential lighting from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. every night, and treating reflective glass to save birds. Learn more here:

Icon Of Australia: Koala

The Koala(Phascolarctos cinereus) is a marsupial that is found in Australia. Koalas are perhaps one of the most iconic animals found in the outback and are also always a favorite of tourists visiting the country.  The Koala is classified in the order Diprotodontia and the family Phascolarctidae. 

Physical Characteristics

Koalas have have gray or brown fur, fluffy ears and  no tail. They have large paws which help them hold branches.  The average measurements of a Koala are; 9 kilograms(20 lbs) in  weight, and 73 centimeters(2 feet, 5 inches) long. 

SpeciesP. cinereus
Binomial NamePhascolarctos cinereus
Length 60-85

Birds Of The World: Horned Puffin

The Horned Puffin(Fratercula corniculata) is a seabird classified in order Charadriiformes, and family Alcidae

Physical Characteristics

The Horned Puffin gets it’s name from a horn like patch of black skin that is located above each eye. Breeding adult Horned Puffins are black on their backs; there is a large white patch on each side of their faces. Their underparts are white. Their bills are yellow with a red-orange tip and a bright yellow-orange rosette near the base of the bill. Their feet are orange. During the non breeding season adults’ faces become a sooty gray color, and their bills … Continue

The ESA At 50: A Passion For Peregrines

From the brink of extinction to thriving in the wild, Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders’ President & CEO, recounts her first hand-experience with recovering Peregrine Falcons using the power of the Endangered Species Act.

Video Transcript:

Without the Endangered Species Act to say, “Stop, stop, look, listen and act.” We would just be reading about species in the history books or seeing remnants of them in zoos and aquariums.

The Endangered Species Act is the tool to make sure that we keep the best of what’s left and make responsible choices and to balance the needs of society and nature.

I … Continue