Author: Matt Davis

Parrots Of The World: Cockatiel

Male on the left; female on the right.

The Cockatiel(Nymphicus hollandicus) is a bird classified in the parrot order Psittaciformes and family Cacatuidae. Cacatuidae is the cockatoo family. The Cockatiel is the smallest member of the cockatoo family. 

Physical Characteristics

Wild adult Cockatiels’ have a crest on their heads and orange patches on their faces; their bodies are gray with white patches on the wings. The male has a bright yellow forehead, chin, and cheeks; the female’s face is streaked with yellow. The chicks and immature individuals resemble females. 

Captive Cockatiels can produce unique colorations.


Parrots Of The World: Budgerigar

Male on the left; female on the right

The Budgerigar(Melopsittacus undulatus) also known as Budgie, Common Parakeet, Warbling Grass Parakeet, Canary Parrot, Zebra Parrot, Scallop Parrot, or Shell Parakeet is a small parrot classified in the order Psittaciformes, and the family Psittaculidae. 

Physical Characteristics

Wild adult Budgerigars’ throats and faces are yellow; there are black spots and iridescent blue-violet cheek patches on each side of their throats. The body is mostly green, but there are black bars on the back of the head and the back.  The tail is blue. An adult male’s cere … Continue

Shark Fact Sheet: Great White Shark

The Great White Shark(Carcharodon carcharias) also known as the White Shark, Great White, or White Pointer is a large cartilaginous fish that is classified in the Animalian class Chondrichthyes, order Lamniformes, and family Lamnidae.

SpeciesC. carcharias
Binomial NameCarcharodon carcharias
Length3.1-6.4m(11-21 feet)
Weight522–3,401 kg(1,150.8-7,497.9 lbs.)
IUCN StatusVulnerable

Range and Habitat

Great White Sharks can be found in oceans across the world with the exception of arctic regions.

Physical Characteristics

Great White Sharks have a white underside and a gray dorsal area. Sometimes the dorsal area maybe a brown or blue shade. Great … Continue

Shark Fact Sheet: Blacktip Reef Shark

The Blacktip Reef Shark(Carcharhinus melanopterus) is a cartilaginous fish classified in the order Carcharhiniformes, and the family Carcharhinidae. 

SpeciesC. melanopterus
Binomial NameCarcharhinus melanopterus
Length1.6-2.9 m(5’3”-9’6.2”)
IUCN StatusVulnerable

Physical Characteristics

A Blacktip Reef Shark has black tips on all of its fins. Its body is a grayish-brown above and white below. This species has a rounded snout and oval shaped eyes. 

Range and Habitat 

The Blacktip Reef Shark inhabits tropical waters of the Indian Ocean through to the central Pacific. This species can also be seen in the Mediterranean. 


Blacktip Reef Sharks … Continue

Shark Fact Sheet: Whale Shark

The Whale Shark(Rhincodon typus) is the largest species of fish on earth. The Whale Shark is classified in the order Orectolobiformes and the family Rhincodontidae.

SpeciesR. typus
Binomial NameRhincodon typus
LengthAbout 18 meters(59.1 feet)
WeightAbout 19,000 kg(41,887.8 lbs.)
IUCN StatusEndangered 

Range and Habitat 

The Whale Shark inhabits tropical and temperate waters across the world. 

Physical Characteristics 

Whale Sharks have a wide blunt head; their whole top side a is covered with spots. They also have a filter feeding mouth. 


Whale Sharks are ovoviviparous and give birth to live young. Ovoviviparous … Continue