Przewalski’s Horse

Przewalski’s Horse(Equus ferus przewalskii or Equus caballus przewalskii) also called the Takhi, Mongolian Wild Horse or Dzungarian Horse, is the last wild horse subspecies surviving in the world today. Przewalski’s Horse is classified in the mammalian order Perissodactyla, and the Equidae family.

Physical Characteristics

Length2.1-2.8 meters(6’11”-9’2”)
Shoulder Height1.2-1.5 meters(3’11”-5’3”)
Tail Length80 centimeters-1.1 meters(2’8”-3’7”)
Weight200-360 kilograms(441-794 pounds)

Distribution and Habitat

Przewalski’s Horses inhabit desert, semi-desert, and steppes of Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and China. Przewalski’s Horses can be found in Hustai National Park in Mongolia, and Kalameili Reserve in northern China.


Just like all horses, the female Przewalski’s Horse is also called a mare, and the male is also called a stallion. Przewalski’s Horses live in two kinds of social groups; harem and bachelor groups. Harems usually do not have more than 10 mares and their offspring which are between 2 and 3 years old. The harem groups are led by one dominant stallion. When stallions are old enough to compete with the lead stallion, they are driven out of the harem and join small bachelor groups until they are mature enough to successfully compete for a harem group of their own. When mares are old enough to reproduce, they may leave the harem group to join another. After a gestation period of 11-12 months the mare gives birth to typically one baby, known as a foal, although occasionally she may give birth to twins. The newborn foal weighs about 30 kilograms(66 pounds). The foal will suckle for 6-7 months. Mares reach sexual maturity at about 3 years, and stallions reach sexual maturity at about 5 years. 


Przewalski’s Horses eat grass, leaves, twigs, buds, fruit, and shrubs, 

Fun Facts

  1. Przewalski’s Horse was discovered in western Mongolia in the late 1870s by the Russian explorer N.M. Przhevalsky.
  2. A Przewalski’s Horse can live between 20 and 38 years old. 
  3. Over the years 149 Przewalski’s Horses have been born at the San Diego Zoo.
  4. Another name for Przewalski’s Horse is “takhi,” which means “spirit” in Mongolia.