North Atlantic Right Whales Need Your Help!

This YouTube video was produced by Defenders Of Wildlife. BrantaMedia.Com was not paid to post this video and is not partnered with Defenders Of Wildlife.

North Atlantic Right Whales Need Your Help!

We’re running out of time to put protections in place for this critically endangered species. There are only an estimated 360 North Atlantic right whales left, and of those just 70 are breeding females. Every single calf born is vital to the survival of this species, but tragically calves have a 1 in 14 chance of dying from a vessel strike before their first birthday. North Atlantic right whales need your help.

Defenders of Wildlife works on the ground, in the courts, and on Capitol Hill to protect and restore imperiled wildlife and habitats across North America. Together, we can ensure a future for the wildlife and wild places we all love.

Defenders Of Wildlife