The Lion(Panthera leo) is a big cat that is found throughout much of Africa, however there is a small population of Lions found in India. Lions live in large groups known as prides. The pride consists of related females, and cubs, and a few adult males. The Lion is classified in the mammalian order Carnivora and family Felidae.

You can see the tuft at the tip of this Lioness’s tail.
Physical Characteristics
An adult Lion ranges in color from silvery gray, yellowish red and dark brown. A lion’s underparts are usually lighter. Males have a mane of fur around their heads. The mane ranges in color from blonde to black. The mane generally becomes darker as the male grows older. There is a furry tuft at the tip of the tail. The average weight of a lion is 155 kilograms(341.7 pounds); average length is 1.8 meters(5 feet, 10.9 inches); average tail length is 84 centimeters(2 feet, 9.07 inches).
Genus | Panthera |
Species | P. leo |
Binomial Name | Panthera leo |
Length | 1.6-2.1 m(5’3”-6’10.7”) |
Weight | 110-225 kg(242.5-496.04 lbs.) |
Tail Length | 72-94 cm(2’4.4-3’1”) |
IUCN Status | Vulnerable |
Range And Habitat
Lions live in Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, United Republic Of Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. There is also a population of Lions which live in Gir National Park in Gujarat, western India. Lions inhabit grasslands, plains and woodlands.
A Mother Lion gives birth to 1 to 6 cubs after a gestation period of about 110 days. The mother hides the cubs in a den that may be a thicket, a cave, or some other sheltered area. Typically for the first 6 to 8 weeks the mother keeps the cubs away from the rest of the pride. The newborn cubs are born with spots on their bodies; the spots begin to fade away as the cubs grow; the cubs are also born blind and it takes about 7 days for them to open their eyes. The birth weight is 907 grams(2 pounds) to 2.1 kg(4.6 pounds). The cubs begin eating meat at 3 months, but will keep nursing until they are 6 months old. It takes up to 7 months for the tuft on a cub’s tail to really become visible.
Lions usually eat hoofed mammals.

Fun Facts
- Lions can produce a vocalization known as a roar which can be heard from a distance of 8 kilometers (5 mi).
- Lions usually roar at night.
- Female Lions are often called Lionesses.
- Lions are hypercarnivores; this means their diet consists of over 70% meat.
- Lions are often depicted on coats of arms, like on the Royal Coat of Arms of Canada.
- Females in a pride cooperate in taking care of cubs.
- Lions can live for up to 17 years.