Wild Dog Fact Sheet: African Wild Dog

The African Wild Dog(Lycaon pictus) also known as the Painted Dog or Cape Hunting Dog is a wild canid that is found throughout much of Africa. The African Wild Dog is classified in the mammalian order Carnivora and the family Canidae

Physical Characteristics

African Wild Dogs are golden-yellow to golden-brown and are covered with black splotches. The tip of the tail is sometimes white. They have large ears and long legs. The African Wild Dog weighs 25 kilograms(55.11 pounds) on average, and the average body length is 92 centimeters(3. Feet, 0.22 inches). They are 68 centimeters(2 feet, 2.77 inches) at the shoulder on average, and the average tail length is 35 centimeters(1 foot, 1.78 inches). 

SpeciesL. pictus
Binomial NameLycaon pictus
Weight18-36kg(39.7-79.4 lbs.)
Shoulder Height60-75cm(1’11.6”-2’5.5”)
Tail Length29-41cm(11.4”-1’4”)
IUCN StatusEndangered

Range And Habitat

African Wild Dogs can be seen in the countries of:  Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, United Republic of; Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The African Wild Dog inhabits desert plains and open wooded savannah.


The mother African Wild Dog gives birth to a litter of 6 to 16 pups after a gestation period of 69 to 73 days.


Large carnivores prey on African Wild Dog pups.


The African Wild Dog eats antelope. 

Fun Facts

  1. The African Wild Dog’s large ears give it acute hearing.
  2. African Wild Dogs can reach speeds of 70 kmh(43.5 mph).
  3. The African WIld Dog is a hypercarnivore; this means its diet consists of more than 70% meat. 
  4. The African Wild Dog produces more pups than any other canid.
  5. The African Wild Dog can live for up to 10 years. 