Why You Should Care: Biodiversity

Defenders Of Wildlife

Why Should You Care about Biodiversity? Because we all need biodiversity. Leading scientists are increasingly sounding the alarm about the biodiversity crisis which threatens the extinction of nearly a million species in the coming decades. Visit defenders.org/biodiversity to read our new report learn more.

Video Transcript:

Do you need clean water? Breathable air? Food to eat?

Then you need biodiversity!

But our biodiversity is in jeopardy and our wildlife faces serious challenges.

99% of species listed under the Endangered Species Act are threatened by at least one of the five drivers of the global biodiversity crisis:

  1. Land and sea-use change
  2. Climate change
  3. Pollution
  4. Invasive species
  5. Overexploitation.

A biodiversity report from Defenders of Wildlife reveals:

  • Nearly half of critical high biodiversity areas face the greatest exposure to threats.
  • Climate change endangers the greatest number of listed species.
  • Listed amphibians and reptiles are most at risk.

With up to one million species facing extinction in the coming decades, the need to prioritize a National Biodiversity Strategy has never been greater.

Visit our website to learn more about what Defenders of Wildlife is doing to protect our planet’s biodiversity – defenders.org/biodiversity
