Tag: tufted puffin

Tufted Puffin(Fratercula cirrhata)

The Tufted Puffin(Fratercula cirrhata), also known as the Crested Puffin is a seabird that is classified in the auk(Alcidae) family. The Tufted Puffin can reach lengths up to 40 cm(1’4”) and weights up to 1 kg(2 lbs); This makes the Tufted Puffin the largest species of puffin. 

Physical Characteristics

During the breeding season the Tufted Puffin has a black body, a white face, a orange and yellow bill, red rimmed eyes, and two yellow plumes  hanging out of the back of its head. During the nonbreeding season Tufted Puffins’ faces turn gray, their bills  turn orange and … Continue