Tag: steller’s sea-eagle

Birds Of The World: Steller’s Sea-Eagle

The Steller’s Sea-Eagle(Haliaeetus pelagicus), also known as Pacific Sea-Eagle or White-Shouldered Eagle is a bird of prey classified in the avian order Accipitriformes and family Accipitridae.

Physical Characteristics

An adult Steller’s Sea-Eagle’s plumage is mostly blackish-brown, however the “shoulders” are  white. The edges of the wings and thighs are white as well. There is a white patch on the forehead, and the eyering, cere, and legs are orange-yellow. The iris is yellow. The average measurements of a Steller’s Sea-Eagle are: 95 centimeters long(3’1”),  6.8 kilograms(15 pounds) in weight, and a wingspan of 2.3 meters(7’7”) on average.

SpeciesH. pelagicus