Tag: macaws

Enrichment Ideas For Parrots Over The Holidays | Celebrate The Holidays At Kiwa

This video was produced by World Parrot Trust. The staff and employees of World Parrot Trust and the KIWA Centre do not necessarily share the opinions expressed on this website.

Welcome to our special Holiday Season edition from the heart of the Kiwa Centre! This video is a celebration of joy, creativity, and the spirit of giving, especially for our feathered friends. Join us as we dive into the festive season with a unique twist, dedicating this time to enriching the lives of our beloved macaws, who found a safe haven with us back in 2017.

Bird Facts- Macaws

Rumble channel: BrantaMediaDotCom

This is an informative video about Macaws. These amazing birds live in Latin America. Macaws are some the largest, and most colorful birds classified in the Psittaciformes order.


The voice over for this video was purchased from oaksdigital:

