Tag: giant panda

Icon Of Asia: The Giant Panda

The Giant Panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca), also known as  Panda Bear, or simply Panda is a member of the bear family that lives entirely in China, where they inhabit mountain areas. Even though this species is classified in the Carnivora order, they are the only bear that is almost completely herbivorous.   Giant Pandas weigh 115 kilograms on average.

Physical Characteristics

Giant Pandas have a modified wrist bone that serves as a “thumb” which assists with stripping leaves from vegetation. They also have the largest molar teeth of any carnivore.

Length 1.2-1.8 m(3’11”-5’11”)
Shoulder Height 70-80 cm(2’4″-2’7″)
Weight 70-160 kg(154-353

Giant Panda Twins Celebrate Fifth Birthday (2021)

The only giant pandas in the U.S., Ya Lun and Xi Lun, turned 5 on September 3, 2021. The Panda Care Team filled their habitat in The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation Giant Panda Conservation Center with birthday surprises, including ice “cakes” topped with banana slices, birthday boxes filled with leafeater biscuits, and a birthday banner.

Ya Lun and Xi Lun 4th Birthday

The only giant panda twins in the U.S., Ya Lun and Xi Lun, turned 4 on September 3, 2020. The Panda Care Team packed the twins’ dayroom area with special birthday enrichment, including ice “cakes” shaped in the numeral 4, sugarcane “candles” with sweet potato “flames,” and birthday boxes filled with favorite treats such as leafeater biscuits, apples, bananas, and sweet potatoes.