Tag: defenders of wildlife

2024: A Year In Review

This YouTube video was produced by Defenders Of Wildlife.

A look back on a successful 2024!


2024 has been a historic year for Defenders Of Wildlife. Since taking the helm as President & CEO in August, I’ve been hard at work with the Defenders team to protect wildlife and critical habitat across the country.

On Capitol Hill, we remained steadfast in our efforts to safeguard the Endangered Species Act, defeating devastating bills, testifying before Congress and convening our allies on Capitol Hill. In the field, we finished our 700th electric fence project – helping landowners avoid conflicts with … Continue

ESA Species: Monarch

This YouTube video was produced by Defenders Of Wildlife.

More than just a beautiful butterfly!


Monarch Butterflies need the Endangered Species Act. Famous for their incredible migration, monarchs are widely distributed across North America, from Central America northwards to southern Canada, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts. Traveling between 1,200 and 2,800 miles or more every year, these insects face a myriad of threats throughout their journey with one of the biggest being human development which threatens these butterflies by fragmenting migration pathways and destroying habitats.

This species is also reliant on one specific plant to … Continue

November Wildlife Times

This YouTube video was produced by Defenders Of Wildlife.

What happened in November? Join Jay Petrequin to find out!


Bad news for Florida wildlife. Contested lands in Alaska. And an uncertain future for all. I’m Jay Petrequin and this is your Wildlife News for November 2024.

Florida voters affirmed Amendment 2 to the state’s constitution, a wholly unnecessary amendment disguised as an effort to preserve the right to fishing and hunting, which now positions fishing and hunting as the preferred means to managing and controlling fish and wildlife.

This amendment is politically motivated and written in ways that … Continue