Tag: defenders of wildlife

Defenders: A Day in the Life – Celebrating Latino Conservation Week

Celebrate Latino Conservation Week through habitat restoration, outreach, and education with our Texas Representative, Azalia Rodríguez, and Field Intern for the Southwest, Isabella Orta. Defenders of Wildlife partnered with Latino Outdoors for an action-packed weekend highlighting and supporting the Latino community’s role in conservation.

Video Transcript:

Azalia: It’s day 1 of our Latino Conservation weekend event – we’re partnering with Latino Outdoors and of course, Defenders of Wildlife.

One part of the reason I love my job so much is because we get to do a lot of habitat restoration work for community led events just like this. And so … Continue

The ESA At 50: A Passion For Peregrines

From the brink of extinction to thriving in the wild, Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders’ President & CEO, recounts her first hand-experience with recovering Peregrine Falcons using the power of the Endangered Species Act.

Video Transcript:

Without the Endangered Species Act to say, “Stop, stop, look, listen and act.” We would just be reading about species in the history books or seeing remnants of them in zoos and aquariums.

The Endangered Species Act is the tool to make sure that we keep the best of what’s left and make responsible choices and to balance the needs of society and nature.

I … Continue

Defenders: A Day In The Life – Ocelot Conservation Day

Join Shari Wilcox, our Senior Texas Representative, and our partners in celebrating all things ocelot at the 2023 Ocelot Conservation Day. This endangered wildcat needs our help to survive on the Texas landscape. Learn more at defenders.org/ocelot.

Video Transcript:

Hi, I’m Shari Wilcox, Senior Texas Representative with Defenders of Wildlife.

We’re here today at the Gladys Porter Zoo to celebrate Ocelot Conservation Day with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Friends of Laguna Atascosa. Come join us as we celebrate.

It’s an action packed day.

We’re starting the day with a 5k fun run this morning.

This … Continue

The ESA At 50: Protecting Cook Inlet Belugas And Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bears

The Endangered Species Act is one of the US’s strongest laws to prevent extinction. Passed in 1973 it is now marking its 50th anniversary. It plays a critical role in protecting more than 2,000 species of plants and animals including many, like the Southern Beaufort Sea polar bear and Cook Inlet beluga in Alaska. Hear from Nicole Whittington-Evans, our Alaska Program Director, on why it’s so important to fully fund and implement it!

Video Transcript:

In Alaska there are many endangered species, and two that we focus on primarily are the southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bear population and also the … Continue