Tag: defenders of wildlife

The ESA At 50: Red Wolves

Defenders Of Wildlife

The Red Wolf is the only wolf species native to the Eastern United States and a prime example of why the Endangered Species Act is so important. Learn about the recovery of these amazing carnivores with our experts Heather Clarkson and Ben Prater from our Southeast team.


It was last year that I saw my first Red Wolf. And it’s always special to see a wolf, especially your first wolf, but this one was it was even more special because it was 1849F, who we also call the matriarch. She was such a champion for her … Continue

Farm Bill 101: Take Action!

Defenders Of Wildlife

Congress updates the Farm Bill about every five years, and 2023 is one of those years! So, we have an opportunity right now to make sure that Congress provides farmers, ranchers, and private foresters with the support they need to conserve wildlife. Join Mary Pfaffko, Defenders’ Senior Policy Analyst for Private Lands, in urging your members of Congress to include strong biodiversity provisions in the next Farm Bill.


Wildlife needs the Farm Bill. Approximately 70% of federally endangered and threatened species spend at least part of their lifecycle on private lands and the farm bill … Continue

Farm Bill 101: Conservation Compliance Provisions

Join Mary Pfaffko, Senior Policy Analyst for Private Lands, to learn how the Conservation Compliance is critical to protecting a variety of species and their habitats!

Video Transcript:

Through the Farm Bill the US Department of Agriculture incentivizes farmers and ranchers to conserve natural resources on their land to receive these voluntary incentives. Participants agree to have a soil conservation plan for their highly irritable soil and to not drain or fill a wetland to farm the land. Why does this matter? Picture this. It’s 200 years ago on North America’s Great Plains. It’s teeming with bison, black-footed ferret, greater … Continue

Defenders: A Day In The Life – Launching W.A.L.T. At Rally

Join Lucy, our Private Lands Policy Analyst, as she debuts our new land trust tool called W.A.L.T. at the Land Trust Alliance Rally in Portland, Oregon. W.A.L.T. stands for Wildlife and Land Trusts. This tool is a website designed to assist land trusts to determine which federal programs will best fit their priorities. You can check it out at https://defenders-cci.org/publication/walt/

Video Transcript:

Hi, I’m Lucy Lefkowitz, and I am the Private Lands Policy Analyst with Defenders of Wildlife.

Today and this week I’m in Portland, Oregon, and I’m here for the Land Trust Alliance Rally Conference.

Land Trusts are nonprofit … Continue

The Pinyon Jay Needs the ESA!

In August 2023, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service found that there is substantive evidence that the Pinyon Jay may warrant protections under the Endangered Species Act. The finding comes more than a year after the Service’s 90-day requirement to review Defenders’ petition for species listing under the ESA. Pinyon Jays are a keystone species that is significantly decreasing in numbers throughout its habitat in the West.


The Pinyon Jay is worth saving for a lot of reasons. First and foremost, Defenders of Wildlife believes that every wildlife species is important and worth saving. But the Pinyon Jay is … Continue