Tag: chondrichthyes

What Are Chondrichthyes?

Chondrichthyes are a class of animals made up of cartilaginous fish that have skeletons primarily composed of cartilage. The fish classified in Chondrichthyes include, sharks, rays, skates, sawfish, and chimaeras.

Chondrichthyes can be divided into two sub classes:

A ray

Elasmobranchii. Sharks, rays, and skates  are classified in Elasmobranchii. Members of the Elasmobranchii have no swim bladders, rigid dorsal fins, and their eyes have a tapetum lucidum.

Holocephali. Chimaeriformes is the only surviving order classified in the sub class holocephali.  Chimaeriformes is made up of  chimaeras, ghostsharks, rabbitfish, ratfish, and spookfish.

A Blacktip Reef Shark(Carcharhinus melanopterus)

Physical Characteristics

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