Tag: california condor

California Condor Chick Dance Party!

WOoww, California condor chicks #1099 and #1100 can really dance! 💃 All of this hopping and flapping around means that they are learning to exercise their legs and wings in preparation to fledge — leave the nest— in about two months. Condors naturally only raise one chick at a time, and #1099 and #1100 are part of what is known as a “double brood.“

Teledyne FLIR Nest-cams Show Record Year For Zoo Condors

Nine California condors have hatched so far this spring at the Oregon Zoo’s Jonsson Center for Wildlife Conservation — the biggest batch of chicks in the zoo’s 18-year effort to save the critically endangered species from extinction. And while the condors themselves don’t know it, zoo caregivers have kept a watchful eye the entire time, cheering at each fuzzy new arrival.

California Condor Chick #LA1720: How The Story Began (Aug – Sept 2020)

See how the story of California condor chick LA1720 started – from within the egg, to hatching, to fledging, to being reunited with its parents and beyond. This bird’s extraordinary adventure is being chronicled by the L.A. Zoo’s first-ever Conservation Ambassador – professional storyteller and vulture volunteer LouAnne Brickhouse. Follow #LA1720 on Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates as this story continues.