Tag: bobcat

Baby Bobcat Makes Friends With Feral Kittens

Papi the rehab bobcat was introduced to two feral kittens in an attempt for Papi to learn some feral behaviors to set him up for success in the wild. The two kittens have currently been pulled from Papi, are being socialized, and are ready for adoption.

New Rehab Kitten Papi! 3D 180VR

Papi the bobcat kitten was originally found alone on a bike trail at just a few weeks old. He followed a couple down the trail crying. They took the kitten home and fed it cows milk and canned cat food, but soon realized they could not and should not try to raise a wild animal. They had the kitten for at least 2 weeks, possibly 3 weeks.

Trying To Save A Baby Bobcat’s Life

A tiny baby bobcat we named Grayce, arrived at Big Cat Rescue in poor health. With the heroic efforts of our staff and Flint the bobcat, we did everything we could to try and save this little bobcat’s life.

Injured Bobcat Goes Outside

Romeo the rehab bobcat started to get very restless in his indoor recovery cage as we watched as he tried to find a way to escape. So we modified our outdoor recovery enclosure to fit his special needs. Now it is time that he goes outside.