Wintering Bats Survey
Let’s go! We’re finding and protecting wintering bats.
Bats are vital to our world’s ecosystems and economy, We’re working worldwide to ensure the survival of these extraordinary mammals.
Bat Conservation International
Let’s go! We’re finding and protecting wintering bats.
Bats are vital to our world’s ecosystems and economy, We’re working worldwide to ensure the survival of these extraordinary mammals.
Bat Conservation International
Snacks in the break room?!
🦇 Egyptian Fruit Bat
📷 MGambaRios
Bats are vital to our world’s ecosystems and economy, We’re working worldwide to ensure the survival of these extraordinary mammals.
Bat Conservation International
Fijian Free-Tailed Bats benefit the people of Fiji, providing vital ecosystem services to the communities (including devouring a quarter million insects each night). To protect Nakanacagi Cave, BCI, and Rainforest Trust purchased the property surrounding it, working with the National Trust of Fiji and NatureFiji-MareqetiViti to create the nation’s first bat sanctuary.
BCI had been working with the community for nearly a decade when a devastating cyclone struck, causing widespread destruction. It was only natural that BCI reached out to assist the community in its time of need.
“Conservation doesn’t … Continue
In Polly Ground, people once feared bats, but they are now mesmerized by their beauty and diversity, according to community leader Alton Scott. “Everybody is learning these bats are not our enemies–these bats are our friends,” he shares.
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Bats are vital to our world’s ecosystems and economy, We’re working worldwide to ensure the survival of these extraordinary mammals.
Bat Conservation International
Entering a hot cave is like walking into a sauna, with 90-plus degree temperatures and 100 percent humidity. While this environment is challenging for humans, it’s perfect for Jamaican Flower Bats to have pups and rear their young. Stony Hill Cave is the last known maternity roost for the Jamaican Flower Bat, and we’re working with partners to protect this incredibly fragile habitat, where even a slight drop in temperature could make it uninhabitable for bats and cause the species to go extinct.
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