Tag: american bird conservancy

Sword-Billed Hummingbird: Amazing Adaptation

This YouTube video was produced by the American Bird Conservancy. The staff and employees of the American Bird Conservancy do not necessarily share the opinions expressed on BrantaMedia.Com.

Both the genus and species names for the Sword-Billed Hummingbird derive from the Latin words for “sword bearer” – a fitting description for the only bird in the world with a bill longer than its body. One of the larger hummingbird species – almost the size of a Swallow-Tailed Hummingbird – the Sword-Bill’s astonishing beak adds an additional four inches to its length. Its bill alone is longer than many other … Continue

2024: What Your Support Will Help Us Do

This YouTube video was produced by The American Bird Conservancy. The staff and employees of The American Bird Conservancy do not necessarily share the opinions expressed on BrantaMedia.Com.

We are so grateful for our members and supporters! You helped us raise more than $1.6 million for bird conservation. These critical funds will be put to work making ABC’s bold plans for 2024 a reality, including:

– Planting trees and shrubs and conserving land to benefit some of the world’s most endangered bird species, including the Purple-backed Sunbeam and Marvelous Spatuletail of Peru; – Creating new protected areas for rare … Continue