Tag: american bird conservancy

Black Vulture: Gallinazo

This YouTube video was produced by the American Bird Conservancy.

In this species account, we highlight the Black Vulture found throughout the Americas, not the Black, or Cinereous, Vulture (Aegypius monachus), a different species native to Europe and Asia. “Our” Black Vulture is also known as the American Black Vulture and Mexican Vulture, and in other languages, by names such as Zopilote (thief), Urubu, or Gallinazo (buzzard, vulture).

The American Black Vulture can be identified by its all-black plumage, light gray legs, and a bald, grayish-black head and neck. The featherless head, a feature it has in common with … Continue

Singers in the Dark: Conserving The Mysterious Whip-poor-will And Other Nightjars | ABC Webinar

This YouTube video was produced by the American Bird Conservancy.

There was a time when woods across central and southeastern North America were filled with the mysterious nighttime song of the Whip-poor-will. Often heard but not seen, this bird’s evocative call now evokes sadness and nostalgia for many, especially as its song slowly disappears across its range. The Whip-poor-will is a member of the nightjar family, birds known for their haunting songs and nocturnal habits. Like the Whip-poor-will, other nightjars like Chuck-will’s-widow and the Common Nighthawk are also declining due to habitat loss and pesticide use, among other human-caused threats. … Continue

Talkin’ Birds Featuring Grant Sizemore

This YouTube video was produced by the American Bird Conservancy.

ABC Director of Invasive Species Programs Grant Sizemore spoke with Ray Brown this week on the Talkin’ Birds podcast about keeping cats indoors to save birds — and cats. Listen at https://www.talkinbirds.com/archive/2024/10/6/1006-oct-6-2024 or on your preferred podcast platform. @raybrownstalkinbirds622

American Bird Conservancy stands up for birds across the Americas. We halt bird extinctions, conserve vital habitats, eliminate key threats, and build the capacity of our partners.

American Bird Conservancy

Protecting Shorebirds And Horseshoe Crabs

This YouTube video was produced by the American Bird Conservancy. BrantaMedia.Com was not paid to post this video and is not partnered with the American Bird Conservancy.

Every Spring, thousands of Red Knots travel 9,000 miles from South America’s Tierra del Fuego to the Canadian Arctic for their breeding season. With such a long migration, this shorebird must make stops along the way to eat and rest. The Delaware Bay is the perfect pitstop, where the horseshoe crab eggs provide nourishment for the exhausted Red Knots and other migratory shorebirds.

But this essential food source is under threat. Unsustainable … Continue

Get to Know: Mashpi Amagusa Reserve

This YouTube video was produced by the American Bird Conservancy. BrantaMedia.Com was not paid to post this video and is not partnered with The American Bird Conservancy.

With the support of Conserva Aves and other partners and donors, the Mashpi Amagusa Reserve was able to expand its area through the purchase of 39 hectares of land, allowing for greater connectivity and protection of biodiversity in the Andean Chocó.

Conserva Aves is a regional Initiative to create and expand subnational protected areas in Latin America. It is led by the American Bird Conservancy, the National Audubon Society, BirdLife International, and the … Continue