Hot Caves

This YouTube video was produced by Bat Conservation International.

Entering a hot cave is like walking into a sauna, with 90-plus degree temperatures and 100 percent humidity. While this environment is challenging for humans, it’s perfect for Jamaican Flower Bats to have pups and rear their young. Stony Hill Cave is the last known maternity roost for the Jamaican Flower Bat, and we’re working with partners to protect this incredibly fragile habitat, where even a slight drop in temperature could make it uninhabitable for bats and cause the species to go extinct.

To learn more visit



The Role Of Bats

This YouTube video was produced by Bat Conservation International.

Learn about the role of the Jamaica Flower Bat in Jamaica, and how they impact the ecosystem. For 20 years, the Jamaican flower bat was believed to be extinct before being rediscovered in Jamaica’s Stony Hill Cave.

To learn more visit

Bats are vital to our world’s ecosystems and economy, We’re working worldwide to ensure the survival of these extraordinary mammals.

Bat Conservation International

Every Acre Counts: Conserving Habitat For Birds | ABC Webinar

This YouTube video was produced by the American Bird Conservancy.

When it comes to conserving birds across the Americas, Every Acre Counts.

American Bird Conservancy has conserved millions of acres of habitat for birds like the Swainson’s Thrush, Golden-winged Warbler, and the rare Cundinamarca Antpitta over the past 30 years. But there is much more to be done: Habitat loss is the most urgent threat facing wild birds today.

Habitat conservation is essential for bird conservation — and the good news is, you can help, whether it’s working in your own neighborhood or supporting establishment of a reserve that … Continue

November Wildlife Times

This YouTube video was produced by Defenders Of Wildlife.

What happened in November? Join Jay Petrequin to find out!


Bad news for Florida wildlife. Contested lands in Alaska. And an uncertain future for all. I’m Jay Petrequin and this is your Wildlife News for November 2024.

Florida voters affirmed Amendment 2 to the state’s constitution, a wholly unnecessary amendment disguised as an effort to preserve the right to fishing and hunting, which now positions fishing and hunting as the preferred means to managing and controlling fish and wildlife.

This amendment is politically motivated and written in ways that … Continue