We catch up with our rescue team for a special look inside at all the gear they have to have ready every day. You never know what rescues lay in store, so our dedicated team is always ready for anything!
… ContinueHOLIDAYS At Georgia Aquarium!
The magic of the winter season has arrived at Georgia Aquarium!
Join us through January 2nd to experience the festive wonder of Holidays at Georgia Aquarium. Our atrium has been completely transformed, featuring enchanting winter projections, festive music, and a stunning 40-foot live tree.
We’re excited to bring back some of your holiday favorites, including photos with Santa, the daily lighting of our tree, and special holiday-themed presentations.
Come warm up with a cup of hot cocoa and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones at Georgia Aquarium. We can’t … Continue
Greater Roadrunner: Charismatic Cuckoo
The Greater Roadrunner belongs to a large avian family, the Cuculidae, which includes the Yellow-billed and Mangrove Cuckoos as well as larger, more terrestrial species such as the Rufous-Vented Ground-Cuckoo of Central and South America. The Greater Roadrunner’s scientific name, which translates to “Californian earth-cuckoo,” shows its affinity with this latter group. It’s the only ground cuckoo found in North America.
This charismatic cuckoo is also called Chaparral Cock, Snake Killer, Paisano, and Medicine Bird. It’s the basis for a popular Warner Brothers cartoon character, a frequent team mascot, … Continue
Interconnected: Bats And People
Fijian Free-Tailed Bats benefit the people of Fiji, providing vital ecosystem services to the communities (including devouring a quarter million insects each night). To protect Nakanacagi Cave, BCI, and Rainforest Trust purchased the property surrounding it, working with the National Trust of Fiji and NatureFiji-MareqetiViti to create the nation’s first bat sanctuary.
BCI had been working with the community for nearly a decade when a devastating cyclone struck, causing widespread destruction. It was only natural that BCI reached out to assist the community in its time of need.
“Conservation doesn’t … Continue
ESA Species: Monarch
More than just a beautiful butterfly!
Monarch Butterflies need the Endangered Species Act. Famous for their incredible migration, monarchs are widely distributed across North America, from Central America northwards to southern Canada, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts. Traveling between 1,200 and 2,800 miles or more every year, these insects face a myriad of threats throughout their journey with one of the biggest being human development which threatens these butterflies by fragmenting migration pathways and destroying habitats.
This species is also reliant on one specific plant to … Continue