Zoo New England offers a variety of age-appropriate educational programming for home schooled students ages 6-10. Classes are offered at both Franklin Park Zoo and Stone Zoo.
A Special Bobcat Update – Part 1
Our special needs rehab bobcat Flint gets a check up by our veterinarian Dr. Boorstein. Check out how it went and what we learned about his physical health. You can help feed the cats at no cost to you using Amazon Smile! Visit BigCatRescue.org/Amazon-smile BIG CAT TV is a close look into our day-to-day operations, the conservation efforts we support, and the exotic feline residents of “Big Cat Rescue” in Tampa, FL. USA. Big Cat Rescue is an educational non-breeding, accredited, sanctuary and a registered non-profit 501c3 so your donations are tax deductible!
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“Turtle Dog” Reporting for Duty
Koda, the Zoo’s “Turtle Dog,” is being trained to assist staff in locating turtles in their native habitat as part of vital conservation work to protect and bolster regionally threatened populations of turtles, particularly the locally rare eastern box turtle. ZNE biologists currently depend on imprecise visual surveys to locate box turtles in dense woodlands. With their well camouflaged shells, human observers might step right next to a hiding box turtle without ever finding it. A dog, however, can use its highly developed sense of smell to pinpoint the turtles much more quickly and effectively. And that’s where Koda, the … Continue
SAY HELLO TO BEA! Zoo Knoxville Announces Name Of Baby Giraffe
Zoo Knoxville announces name of baby giraffe
Truth About Circus Tigers in 3D
Find out the truth about circus tigers, and how Hoover made his way to Big Cat Rescue. You can help feed the cats at no cost to you using Amazon Smile! Visit BigCatRescue.org/Amazon-smile BIG CAT TV is a close look into our day-to-day operations, the conservation efforts we support, and the exotic feline residents of “Big Cat Rescue” in Tampa, FL. USA. Big Cat Rescue is an educational non-breeding, accredited, sanctuary and a registered non-profit 501c3 so your donations are tax deductible!
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