Category: Animals

This category is dedicated to animal related topics

What Are Waxwings?

Cedar Waxwing

Waxwings are a favorite of many birders and backyard naturalists. Their striking crests and sharp color accents, make them easy to distinguish from the other birds. They get their name from the unique red waxy tip on the end of their wings and a yellow waxy tip on their tails. These red wax-like tips depend on the species, but in the case of the Japanese Waxwing, this trait is often lacking and replaced by bright red or pink spots.

What do they eat?

They eat mostly berries and insects. The majority of their diet is berries … Continue

What Are Felids?

By: C.A. Victor

From the cuddliest house cat to the King of the Jungle, felids are everywhere. They are regal, aloof animals that have a reputation for their fierce hunting instincts, as well as their distinctive appearance – no matter
the size of the species, all felids, look surprisingly similar. Felids – or cats as you might know them better – hold an important niche in maintaining balance in the ecosystem.

So let’s explore the history, characteristics, and general role that felids play in both the wild and domesticity.

Male Lion in all of his glory

What kind of animals
