Pippin is such a unique patient for the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital, with only a small fraction of the turtles admitted being flatbacks. The team has nursed him back to health and now it’s time for him to be released back to the wild.
by Matt Davis
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The Inca Tern(Larosterna inca) is a South American bird that is classified in the avian order Charadriiformes and family Laridae.
Physical Characteristics
An adult Inca Tern’s body is mostly gray throughout. This species has a long white “ moustache” which starts at the base of the bill and curls down around the cheeks. There are bare yellow patches at the base of the bill. The legs and bill are red. The average measurements of an adult Inca Tern are as follows: 41 centimeters(1 foot 4.14 inches) long; 195 grams(6.88 ounces) in weight.
Juvenile Inca Terns are blackish, and have small … Continue
Follow along with Russ and his dog Gypsy, as they install and monitor three of the 104 sites dedicated to surveying for Grizzly Bears in the southwest Montana ecosystem in 2023. Learn more:
I’m Russ Talmo at Defenders of Wildlife and our Rockies and Plains region out of Missoula, Montana. This is Gypsy dog. She’s joining me today. We are out in the field embarking on the third year of the southwest Montana Grizzly Bear DNA project. This is a project where we are partnered directly with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, … Continue
This short companion featurette to Butcher’s Crossing highlights the work that Defenders of Wildlife is doing to make up for atrocities of the past by helping Tribes bring back their buffalo. Learn more:
Ervin: The buffalo, the iinnii, they’re a brother to us. Our lives are one in the same.
Butcher’s Crossing is the journey of a young idealistic man in search of meaning and purpose in his life. And in that journey he sees great beauty of nature but he also sees how ambition can be both a powerful but incredibly destructive force.
by Matt Davis
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The Tasmanian Devil(Sarcophilus harrisii) is a carnivorous marsupial that lives in Australia. The Tasmanian Devil is classified in order Dasyuromorphia and family Dasyuridae.
Physical Characteristics
The Tasmanian Devil is black; some individuals may have white patches on their body. The front legs are slightly longer than the hind legs. Tasmanian Devils weigh 9 kilograms(20 pounds) on average, the average body length is 62 centimeters(2 feet, 0.4 inches) and the tail averages 25 centimeters(9.8 inches) long.