Category: Animals

This category is dedicated to animal related topics

Toucan Facts: Keel-Billed Toucan

A Keel-Billed Toucan

The Keel-Billed Toucan(Ramphastos sulfuratus), also known as Keel Toucan, Rainbow-Billed Toucan, or Sulfur-Breasted Toucan is a bird classified in the avian order Piciformes, and family Ramphastidae. The Keel-Billed Toucan lives in Latin America. 

Physical Characteristics

An adult Keel-Billed Toucan is mostly black with a yellow bib covering the throat and chest. There is red on the under tail and white on the upper tail. Keel-Billed Toucans have zygodactyl feet; this means two toes face forward and two face backward. These specialized feet help the Keel-Billed Toucan climb trees. The bill is mostly greenish-yellow but the tip is … Continue

Interesting Facts About The Toronto Zoo

The Toronto Zoo is located on 361A Old Finch Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is the largest zoo in Canada with a  land area of 287 hectares (710 acres). The zoo opened to the public on August 15, 1974; at that time the zoo was known as the Metropolitan Toronto Zoo; the name was shortened to Toronto Zoo in the late 90s. The zoo is owned by the municipal government of Toronto.  The zoo’s enclosures were designed to enhance the comfort of the animals on exhibit. The animals are on exhibit based on the natural geographic region they are found … Continue

Deer Facts: Caribou

Caribou(Rangifer tarandus) also known as Reindeer; however Reindeer is also sometimes used for domestic individuals.  Reindeer is also commonly used for Eurasian populations, and Caribou is more commonly used for North American populations.  Caribou live in herds that can sometimes reach 500,000 individuals. Caribou are classified in the mammalian order Artiodactyla, and family Cervidae.  

Physical Characteristics

Female Caribou are the only female deer that grow antlers. Caribou have the largest and heaviest antlers of all living deer species and a male Caribou’s antlers are typically larger than a female’s. Caribou range from dark brown to white. A Caribou’s … Continue

Big Cat Facts: Lion

The Lion(Panthera leo) is a big cat that is found throughout much of Africa, however there is a small population of Lions found in India. Lions live in large groups known as prides. The pride consists of related females, and cubs, and a few adult males. The Lion is classified in the mammalian order Carnivora and family Felidae

You can see the tuft at the tip of this Lioness’s tail.

Physical Characteristics

An adult Lion ranges in color from silvery gray, yellowish red and dark brown. A lion’s underparts are usually lighter. Males have a mane of fur around … Continue

Protecting The Rhino, A Critical Mission | Wildlife Warriors Mission

The preceding video was produced by Wildlife Warriors

Rhinos continue to face endless threats but it’s thanks to Ol Pejeta Conservancy that these incredible animals stand a chance in the wild. Through our non-profit organization Wildlife Warriors, we are proud to continue supporting their important work. Find out more at: