Category: Animals

This category is dedicated to animal related topics

Wild Cats Of The World: Caracal

The Caracal(Caracal caracal) is a medium sized wild cat that can be found in Africa and Asia. The Caracal has tufted ears, and long legs. 

Physical Characteristics

The Caracal has furry black tufts(also known as tassels) on the top of its ears, the ear tufts are about 4.5 cm(1.77 inches) long. There are 2 black stripes that extend from the forehead to its nose; its mouth is outlined with black and there are white patches surrounding the eyes and the mouth. The coat is reddish tan or beige. The underbelly and the insides of the legs are lighter, often with small … Continue

Parrots Of The World: Kakapo

The Kakapo(Strigops habroptila), also known as the Owl Parrot is a critically endangered parrot that can only be found in New Zealand. The Kakapo is a ground dwelling flightless bird, and is the largest species of parrot based on body mass. Kakapos can reach weights up to 3 kilograms(6.6 pounds).

Physical Characteristics

The Kakapo is green on its upperparts and mottled with blackish chevrons and brownish patches. The tail is greenish yellow, brown and black. Females weigh less than males. Immatures are duller, and their faces are browner.

Length58-65 cm (1’10.8”-2’1.6”)
Weight 950 grams to 3 kg(2.1-6.6 lbs.)

