Category: Animals

This category is dedicated to animal related topics

Birds Of The World: African Penguin

The African Penguin(Spheniscus demersus), also known as the Cape Penguin, Black-Footed Penguin, Jackass Penguin, or the South African Penguin is classified in the avian order Sphenisciformes, and family Spheniscidae. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature currently lists the African Penguin as endangered.

SpeciesS. demersus
Binomial NameSpheniscus demersus
Length60-70 cm(1’11.6”-2’3.6”)
Weight2.1-3.7 kg(4.6-8.2 lbs.)
IUCN Statusendangered

Physical Characteristics 

An adult African Penguin’s back is black; it’s torso is white with a black horseshoe shaped band across its upper chest and down through its sides. There is a bare pink … Continue

Birds Of The World: Chinstrap Penguin

The Chinstrap Penguin(Pygoscelis antarcticus), also known as the Ringed Penguin, Bearded Penguin, or Stonecracker Penguin is classified in the avian order Sphenisciformes and the family Spheniscidae.

SpeciesP. antarcticus
BInomial NamePygoscelis antarcticus
Length68-77 cm(2’2.8”-2’6.3”)
Weight3.2-5.3 kg(7.1-11.7 lbs.)
IUCN StatusLeast concern

 Physical Characteristics

An Adult Chinstrap Penguin is black or bluish-black  on its back and crown. Its torso is white;  there is a black line that runs from behind the right eye, across the chin, to behind the left eye.  The iris is orange-brown to dark brown and … Continue

Steve’s Favourite Wild Dogs – Dingoes! | Australia Zoo Life

Join Bindi & Chandler Irwin for a unique wildlife adventure at Australia Zoo as they feed some of Australia’s most iconic animals – the dingoes! Witness the incredible bond that Bindi and Chandler share with the dingoes, as they hand-feed them and tell you a bit about where they came from and how important they are to our ecosystem. The conservation work at Australia Zoo strives to protect and preserve these and many other species.