Category: Animals

This category is dedicated to animal related topics

Defenders: A Day In The Life – Launching W.A.L.T. At Rally

Join Lucy, our Private Lands Policy Analyst, as she debuts our new land trust tool called W.A.L.T. at the Land Trust Alliance Rally in Portland, Oregon. W.A.L.T. stands for Wildlife and Land Trusts. This tool is a website designed to assist land trusts to determine which federal programs will best fit their priorities. You can check it out at

Video Transcript:

Hi, I’m Lucy Lefkowitz, and I am the Private Lands Policy Analyst with Defenders of Wildlife.

Today and this week I’m in Portland, Oregon, and I’m here for the Land Trust Alliance Rally Conference.

Land Trusts are nonprofit … Continue

The Pinyon Jay Needs the ESA!

In August 2023, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service found that there is substantive evidence that the Pinyon Jay may warrant protections under the Endangered Species Act. The finding comes more than a year after the Service’s 90-day requirement to review Defenders’ petition for species listing under the ESA. Pinyon Jays are a keystone species that is significantly decreasing in numbers throughout its habitat in the West.


The Pinyon Jay is worth saving for a lot of reasons. First and foremost, Defenders of Wildlife believes that every wildlife species is important and worth saving. But the Pinyon Jay is … Continue

Our 3 New Quokkas Get Their Names! | Australia Zoo Life

Crikey! We’re absolutely thrilled to introduce you to the newest additions to our Australia Zoo family – Habibi, Gooshee, and Hope! A huge thank you to our incredible supporters who named these adorable quokkas and contributed to our global conservation efforts. A heartfelt thank you to all those who participated as well! Your enthusiasm and name suggestions were amazing. Be sure to swing by and say hello to our charming quokkas! They’re guaranteed to put a smile on your face. 😊