Category: Animals

This category is dedicated to animal related topics

Birds Of The World: Magellanic Penguin

The Magellanic Penguin(Spheniscus magellanicus) is classified in the avian order Sphenisciformes and family Spheniscidae. The Magellanic Penguin was named after Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan

Physical Characteristics 

An adult Magellanic Penguin has a black black and white abdomen. There are two black bands between the head and the breast, with the lower band shaped like a horseshoe.There is pink around and above each eye.  The bill is black but sometimes has a dark gray tip, Near the tip of the bill there is a grayish band.The legs are grayish and are irregularly spotted pink.

SpeciesS. magellanicus

Farm Bill 101: Conservation Compliance Provisions

Join Mary Pfaffko, Senior Policy Analyst for Private Lands, to learn how the Conservation Compliance is critical to protecting a variety of species and their habitats!

Video Transcript:

Through the Farm Bill the US Department of Agriculture incentivizes farmers and ranchers to conserve natural resources on their land to receive these voluntary incentives. Participants agree to have a soil conservation plan for their highly irritable soil and to not drain or fill a wetland to farm the land. Why does this matter? Picture this. It’s 200 years ago on North America’s Great Plains. It’s teeming with bison, black-footed ferret, greater … Continue

A Remarkable Transformation For Captain Pete! | Wildlife Warriors Missions

It’s been several months since we first introduced Captain Pete, the beautiful loggerhead. Thanks to the hard work of the vets and nurses at the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital we are excited to bring you this special update on Captain Pete’s journey to recovery.