Category: Nature

This category is dedicated to nature

Terra Nova National Park

Terra Nova National Park is located in Newfoundland, Canada. It’s a four hundred square kilometres national park where you can take part in various activities. Terra Nova National Park was the first national park in Newfoundland and was established in 1957, on the east side of the island.


There are plenty of activities that are available for you to take part in. These activities include the following: kayaking, camping, canoeing, paddling, swimming, hiking, stay overnight, and boat tours. There are various other activities that you can be a part of and enjoy when you are visiting the Terra Nova … Continue

National Parks

National parks are very important in today’s world because they protect wildlife and conserve natural wilderness areas. National parks give everyone a chance to enjoy nature by making sure it is not destroyed because of external factors such as construction and development of factories. Most national parks are open to the general public and allow for activities such as camping and walking around to take in everything and appreciate it for what it is – natural beauty.

What are the Benefits of National Parks?

Economic Benefits

National parks are great for tourism as they not only attract people from … Continue