Gorilla Game Changer Jean Paul Hirwa
Meet Gorilla Game Changer Jean-Paul Hirwa, Gorilla Program Manager at Karisoke Research Center.
This is our digest which contains articles and YouTube videos.
Meet Gorilla Game Changer Jean-Paul Hirwa, Gorilla Program Manager at Karisoke Research Center.
Leslie the gorilla needed a little help to see 2020 more clearly. Our animal care specialists noticed a cloudiness in her left eye and confirmed she had developed a cataract. We’re happy to report that Leslie is back with her troop and doing apesolutely better.
Defenders is working to coexist with manatees by focusing on: Habitat: Protecting and restoring habitat Transportation: Making waters safer for manatees (reducing mortality by identifying dangerous areas and working to establish speed zones)
When wildlife is in danger, they can’t speak up for themselves—so we speak for them. The prairie dogs of Thunder Basin National Grassland in Wyoming are vital to the survival of wildlife such as mountain plovers, burrowing owls, ferruginous hawks, swift foxes, and endangered black-footed ferrets. But under a new management proposal, the U.S. Forest Service wants to scrap its current prairie dog conservation strategy and could doom the entire ecosystem. We need you to speak up for Thunder Basin National Grassland. Visit https://defenders.org/thunderbasin to help save Thunder Basin today!
BrantMedia.Com’s Birds of Newfoundland-Cedar Waxwing-Bombycilla cedrorum
Voice over purchased from BritishVoicePro.