Category: Digest

This is our digest which contains articles and YouTube videos.

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

By: David Torres

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is a non-profit, marine conservation organization that is dedicated to protecting and preserving ocean wildlife from invasive fishing and other harmful acts. Their base is located in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island, Washington, in the United States.

Their Mission

Defend Ocean Wildlife. Since their creation, they’ve made it their main priority to protect all marine life species living in our oceans, from the gentle giants of the sea to its smallest creatures.

Protect Marine Habitat. Sea Shepherd opposes the pollution of the fragile ecosystem of the ocean. They put … Continue

Gorilla Game Changer Pelagie Mutuyimana

Meet Gorilla Game Changer Pelagie Mutuyimana, Gorilla Tracker at Karisoke Research Center. Pelagie started with the Fossey Fund as an intern in 2017 and was hired one year later as a tracker. Pelagie is one of only two female trackers at Karisoke! In addition to her work in the field, Pelagie is also studying to get her bachelor’s degree through support from the Fossey Fund. Her favorite gorillas are subadult male Ndizeye and silverback Segasira, both from Titus’s group.

Gorilla Leslie’s Eye Surgery

Leslie the gorilla needed a little help to see 2020 more clearly. Our animal care specialists noticed a cloudiness in her left eye and confirmed she had developed a cataract. We’re happy to report that Leslie is back with her troop and doing apesolutely better.