Author: Matt Davis

Bird Fact Sheet: Magpie Goose

The Magpie Goose(Anseranas semipalmata) is a goose-like bird that is placed in its own family Anseranatidae. Unlike true geese Magpie Geese have partially webbed feet. The Magpie Goose lives in Australia.

There is a protuberance on the heads of Magpie Geese that is variable in size, but smaller in females.

Physical Characteristics

The Magpie Goose has a black neck and head. The wings are mostly black as well. The legs and feet are orange. Magpie Geese have partially webbed feet. There is a Protuberance on the heads of Magpie Geese that is variable in size, but smaller in females. The … Continue

Birds Of The Americas: Scarlet Ibis

The Scarlet Ibis(Eudocimus ruber) is a wading bird that can be found in the Americas. 

Physical Characteristics

During the breeding season the Scarlet Ibis is red throughout most of its body,  except its beak, some of its flight feathers, and its eyes are black. 

A non-breeding adult is pink or reddish.  A juvenile Scarlet Ibis is a mix of gray, brown, and white.

The Scarlet Ibis has a long, narrow, decurved bill. 

Length56-71 cm(1’10.1”-2’3.10”)
Wingspan94 cm-1.1 m(3’1”-3’7.3”)
Weight 505-770 gm(1.11-1.7 lbs.)
*Males are larger than females.


The Scarlet Ibis is a year round resident in the countries … Continue

Parrots Of The World: Golden Parakeet

The Golden Parakeet(Guaruba guarouba), also known as the Golden Conure, or the Queen of Bavaria Conure is a new world parrot that is found in South America.

Physical Characteristics

Adult Golden Parakeets are mostly bright yellow throughout, with green feathers on their wings. There is bare white skin around a Golden Parakeet’s eyes.

Juvenile Golden Parakeets are yellow and streaked with green on their heads, breasts, and backs. 

Length34-35 cm(1’1.4’-1’1.8”)
Weight 154-300 grams(5.4-10.6 oz.)


The Golden Parakeet is endemic to Brazil.


Golden Parakeets inhabit humid lowland rainforests, varzéa forests, and grasslands with scattered trees.



Bird Fact Sheet: African Fish Eagle

The African Fish Eagle(Haliaeetus vocifer), also known as the African Sea Eagle  is a bird of prey that is classified in the order Accipitriformes, and the family Accipitridae. The African Fish Eagle has been nicknamed the “voice of Africa” because its loud, distinctive call can be heard for miles. 

Physical Characteristics

An Adult African Fish Eagle has a white head, and white breast. Its back is black, and its belly, thighs, and “shoulders” are chestnut in color. An Adult’s irises are yellow-brown to hazel, its cere is yellow, and its bill is blackish, the feet are fleshy-white to yellow. 


Icon Of Africa: The Common Ostrich

The Common Ostrich(Struthio camelus), also simply known as the Ostrich, is a large flightless bird that is found in Africa. A Common Ostrich can weigh up to 160 kg(352.7 lbs.), this makes it the largest bird on earth. The Common Ostrich is classified in the order Struthioniformes, and the family Struthionidae.

Physical Characteristics

During the breeding season the male Common Ostrich’s body is black; the bare thighs, head, and neck are reddish. There are short stiff brownish feathers encircling the bald crown and extending down the hindneck. the upper mandible is yellowish, and the lower mandible is red. Some … Continue