Author: BrantaMedia.Com

What Are Fish?

A fish is a cold-blooded animal which is also a vertebrate (animal with a backbone). They are aquatic vertebrates; they have gills and fins and they also live in water their entire lives. This is what makes fish different from other types of animals in the world. There are a few exceptions to the cold-blooded rule for fish. New fish have been discovered that are completely warm-blooded.

aquarium background with Clownfish from the sea

How fish breath under water?

Fish have gills which are apart of them since the moment they are born. Gills give fish the ability to breath … Continue

What Are Seals?

Pinnipeds are most commonly known as seals. Pinniped means ‘fins’ and it refers to marine mammals that have front and rear flippers. Some of the animals which are included in this group are seals, walruses, sea lions, fur seals, and bearded seal. These mammals are able to live in the oceans but can surface and get on to land for a long period of time.
There are three types of pinnipeds, these are phocids (earless seals), otariids (eared seals), and odobenids (walruses). This post will only discuss the eared seals (otariids) and earless


What Are Whales?

Humpback Whale(Megaptera novaeangliae)

Whales are large aquatic mammals. They breathe through their blowholes into their lungs. Unlike fish which breathe through their gills under water, whales need air, which is why they surface from the water after a certain period of time. This guide will help you find out more about whales, such as their habitat, what they eat, their anatomy, and more.


There are different marine mammals in the Cetacean group, some of these mammals include whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Additionally, there are many different species of whales and some of these include the following; Blue Whale(Balaenoptera … Continue

What Is A Reptile?

Learn all there is to know about these cold-blooded creatures with these fascinating reptile facts!

Witten by: Niki Giovanis

An iguana in a tree.

What Exactly is a Reptile? 

Reptiles can take on many forms and are diverse vertebrates, meaning they have a backbone. Their dry, scaly skin characterizes reptiles. Millions of years ago, dinosaurs roamed the earth and were some of the most outstanding examples of the earth’s largest reptilian inhabitants. Today, when we think of the major groups of living reptiles, turtles, snakes, lizards, and crocodiles should come to mind. 

The Physiology of Reptiles 

What separates reptiles … Continue

What Is A Mammal?

By: C.A. Victor

Mammal species include some of the largest animals on earth today, but what is a mammal, exactly? The easiest answer to the question is, well – you. Humans are mammals, after all. But what does that mean, exactly? Mammals are vertebrate animals whose young are (typically) nourished from milk created by special mammary glands of the mother. After all, the word mammal originates from the Latin word “mamma” which means “breast,” which is a reference to that classification. While that basic description is accurate, it doesn’t fully explain the category. So, let’s discuss what makes a mammal … Continue