Calling For A National Biodiversity Strategy

Right now, 1 million species are threatened with extinction in the coming decades. We need a National Biodiversity Strategy, before it’s too late. Learn more at

Video Transcript:

Biodiversity is the foundation of everything we do, it’s an invaluable resource, and yet, we are losing biodiversity at an alarming rate. Like climate change, the crisis is only escalating. 

I’m Robert Dewey, head of government relations at Defenders of Wildlife.

Right now, 1 million species are threatened with extinction in the coming decades. That’s why state policymakers and strong wildlife advocates are critically important.

They are essential to securing the National Biodiversity Strategy we need to help prevent this looming loss.

The strategy would strengthen the partnership between local, state, federal, and tribal governments to help stop extinction.

The more voices speaking up for nature, the better. Bold action must be taken now.

The United States needs a National Biodiversity Strategy, before it’s too late.
