Florida Scrub-Jay: Extreme Habitat Specialist

This YouTube video was produced by the American Bird Conservancy.

The Florida Scrub-Jay is an uncommon member of the wide-ranging Corvid family, found only along the ancient, shrubby sand ridges and dunes which run through the central part of the U.S. state of Florida. This jay is more subtle in appearance than flashier family members such as the Blue Jay and Green Jay, with understated plumage of soft blue, silvery gray, and touches of white.

As intelligent and curious as other members of its family, the Florida Scrub-Jay is quite tame, and will readily approach people to investigate shiny objects and the possibility of potential handouts, a sometimes-fatal habit in this increasingly populated state.

Even within the Aphelocoma genus of New World jays, which includes three other scrub-jay species, the Florida Scrub-Jay stands out. What makes this Florida native such a noteworthy bird?

Read on to find out more: https://abcbirds.org/bird/florida-scrub-jay

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American Bird Conservancy