Keeping Up With The Cardinals | ABC Webinar

This YouTube video was produced by the American Bird Conservancy.

When you hear the word “cardinal,” you probably think of one of the most widely recognized and beloved birds in the eastern U.S. – the Northern Cardinal(Cardinalis cardinalis). This beautiful red bird is the official state bird for seven states, not to mention the namesake of many sports teams! But did you know there are other cardinals in the Americas? Some are in the same family as the Northern Cardinal and others are cardinals by name only.

The Pyrrhuloxia(Cardinalis sinuatus), for example, graces deserts in the U.S. Southwest and Mexico with its splashes of red and metallic chip-chip-chip call. In Argentina, the Endangered Yellow Cardinal(Gubernatrix cristata) shines bright in open woodlands and savannas, but with a population of fewer than 3,000 individuals, is a priority species for conservation.

Watch this American Bird Conservancy webinar to learn more about the brilliant, diverse cardinal family and one “cardinal” that partners are working to conserve. Plus, find out what you can do at home to keep the cardinals in your community thriving!

American Bird Conservancy stands up for birds across the Americas. We halt bird extinctions, conserve vital habitats, eliminate key threats, and build the capacity of our partners.

American Bird Conservancy