Red-Crested Cardinal: Truly A Tanager

This YouTube video was produced by the American Bird Conservancy.

The handsome Red-Crested Cardinal is well-named, with a bright red crest that the bird can raise and lower and a red head and chest. It’s white underneath, with a gray back, wings, and tail and a conical, light-colored bill. Juvenile Red-Crested Cardinals are similar to the adults, but are brownish-orange where the adults are red. The Red-Crested Cardinal is sometimes called the Brazilian Cardinal, a nod to its South American distribution. Its genus name, Paroaria, derives from Tiéguacú paroára, a name for a small yellow, red and grey bird in the extinct, indigenous Tupi language of Brazil. Although the Red-Crested Cardinal resembles an especially dapper Northern Cardinal, it’s not closely related to that species. To what group of birds does the Red-crested Cardinal belong?

Read on to find out more:

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American Bird Conservancy