Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Jay Petrequin with Defenders Of Wildlife interrupting this program with the latest breaking news, hot off the wire! We’ve got a real doozy of a story for you, folks. Wildlife killers are on the loose, and it’s time we nip this killing in the bud!
First up, we have vessels – one of the leading assailants of North Atlantic Right Whales. Some ships are barreling through the big blue without a care in the world, delivering lethal blows to defenseless right whales and their calves. These critically endangered animals are on the brink of extinction, and we need a new vessel speed rule to keep them from vanishing from the face of the earth.
Next up are motorcars – speeding down highways, byways, and everywhere in between, mowing down unsuspecting Florida Panthers who are just trying to roam their habitat. Every year, dozens of panthers are killed by these speeding tin lizzies. Let’s put an end to these killings and demand safer crossing for our feline friends.
Hold onto your hats – Lead is public enemy number one when it comes to California Condors. This toxic troublemaker is the leading cause of death among adult condors in the wild. We continue to demand an end to lead ammunition on all public lands, particularly national wildlife refuges.
Next, a silent killer in our midst: the Sylvatic Plague. It’s wiping out Black-Footed Ferrets and prairie dogs left and right. We’re working with partners on the ground, pulling out all the stops with vaccines and resources to halt this ruthless plague in its tracks.
Finally, be on the lookout for deadly… plastic. Plastic is masquerading as food for sea turtles, causing untold harm and death. You can lend a hand in this fight by eliminating your single-use plastics and stopping these needless deaths.
You heard it here first, folks. Join Defenders Of Wildlife in the fight to prevent the brutal and senseless killing of wildlife. Their lives and our world depend on us to take action today, before it is too late.
Defenders Of Wildlife works on the ground, in the courts, and on Capitol Hill to protect and restore imperiled wildlife and habitats across North America.
Defenders Of Wildlife