Lemur Facts: Ring-Tailed Lemur

The Ring-Tailed Lemur(Lemur catta)  is classified in the Mammalian order Primates and family Lemuridae.

Physical Characteristics

A Ring-Tailed Lemur is grayish in color throughout much of its body, however its belly and torso are white. The nose and mouth area are black and there are black rings around the eyes. The color of the tail is made up of white and black rings. The average weight of an adult  Ring-Tailed Lemur is 2.7 kilograms(5.95 pounds), The average tail length is 59 centimeters(1 foot, 11 inches). 

SpeciesL. catta
Binomial NameLemur catta
Length38 to 46 cm(1’3” to 1’7”)
Full Length
Including The Tail
94 cm to 1.1 m(3’1” to 3’7”)
Tail Length56 to 62 cm(1’10” to 2’)
Weight2.3 to 3.5 kg(5 to 8 lbs.)
IUCN StatusEndangered

Range And Habitat

The Ring-Tailed Lemur lives only in south and southwestern Madagascar where it inhabits; forests, cliffs, mountain peaks, and caves. 


A Ring-Tailed Lemur mother typically gives birth to 1 offspring, but occasionally the mother may give birth to twins, and in even rarer cases triplets may be born. The  gestation period is about 4.5 months. The newborn’s eyes are blue but will turn yellow as they mature. The infants will cling to their mothers’ bellies but once the babies are about 3 weeks old they will begin to ride on their mothers’ backs. The babies begin eating solid food at 2 months old but may continue to suckle until they are 5 months old. The offspring are usually independent by approximately  6 months of age.


Ring-Tailed Lemurs eat fruit, leaves and other plant material. They also eat bark, sap, spiders, insects, birds, and chameleons.


Ring-Tailed Lemurs are preyed on by; The Fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox), Madagascar Ground Boa (Acrantophis madagascariensis), and birds of prey.  The Small Indian Civet (Viverricula indica) preys on the RIng-Tailed Lemur as well. The Small Indian Civet(Viverricula indica) is a Mammal that has been introduced to Madagascar. 

A Ring-Tailed Lemur sunning.

Fun Facts

  1.  Ring-Tailed Lemurs are diurnal, and are both terrestrial and arboreal.
  2. Researchers studying the Ring-Tailed Lemur  have recorded as many as 15 different vocalizations.
  3. Ring-tailed lemurs can often be seen sunning themselves by sitting upright with their arms out-stretched. 
  4. A RIng-Tailed Lemur can live for up to 30 years.