Explore the wide world of winter wildlife in your yard, down the street, in your local park or your favourite hiking wilderness by what they leave behind! Find out how birds and animals move and survive in the winter by examining their tracks and trails, browse and beds and scrapes and scat. Discover the difference between tracks of domestic dogs and cats and the wildlife who live among us but we hardly ever see. Learn more about wildlife in winter: https://cwf-fcf.org/en/explore/below-zero/?utm_yt=&utm_campaign=bz&utm_medium=web
Canada’s wildlife is facing unprecedented threats. From climate change to habitat loss, pollution, and homes being destroyed by the effects of climate change, brought on by human activity, the once-vibrant ecosystems that span our nation are now in rapid decline. Species that once thrived in abundance are now on the brink of extinction. From coast to coast, Canadian wildlife is disappearing—pushed to the edge by circumstances they cannot control.
Canadian Wildlife Federation