Birds Of The World: Toco Toucan

 The Toco Toucan(Ramphastos toco), also known as the Common Toucan, or GIant Toucan is a bird which is found in South America. The Toco Toucan is classified in the avian order Piciformes and family Ramphastidae.

Physical Characteristics

An adult Toco Toucan is black throughout most of its body but much of its face and throat are white. The long broad bill is orange-red with a black tip. Around the eye there is a blue ring that is surrounded by orange or red skin. The average measurements of an adult Toco Toucan are: 669 grams(1.5 pounds), 60 centimeters(2 feet) long, and the average bill length  is 19 centimeters(8 inches).

An Immature specimen’s bill is shorter and more yellowish in color and does not have the black tip. 

SpeciesR. toco
Binomial NameRamphastos toco
Length55-65 cm(1’10”-2’2″)
Bill Length 16-23 cm(6″-9″)
Weight600-876 grams(1.3-1.9 lbs.)
IUCN StatusLeast concern

Range And Habitat

The Toco Toucan can be seen year round in: Argentina, Bolivia, Plurinational States Of Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay. Toco Toucans inhabit gallery forests, interior savannas, palm groves, and open woodlands. 


Toco Toucans nest in cavities in trees, stream banks, and terrestrial termite nests. The clutch is 2 to 4 eggs. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs for a period of 17 to 18 days. The parents will feed the newly hatch chicks insects but will begin to add fruit to their diet as they mature. 


Toco Toucans eat primarily fruit, such as: figs, oranges, and peppers. However they also eat caterpillars, termites, frogs, small reptiles, small birds, eggs, and nestlings. 

Fun Facts

  1. Toco Toucans can fly but not very well; when they do take flight it is only for short distances.
  2. Toco Toucans can live for up to 20 years.