Defenders: A Day In The Life – Ocelot Conservation Day

Join Shari Wilcox, our Senior Texas Representative, and our partners in celebrating all things ocelot at the 2023 Ocelot Conservation Day. This endangered wildcat needs our help to survive on the Texas landscape. Learn more at

Video Transcript:

Hi, I’m Shari Wilcox, Senior Texas Representative with Defenders of Wildlife.

We’re here today at the Gladys Porter Zoo to celebrate Ocelot Conservation Day with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Friends of Laguna Atascosa. Come join us as we celebrate.

It’s an action packed day.

We’re starting the day with a 5k fun run this morning.

This event always has an amazing turnout and it’s a beautiful day for it.

Then I’m presenting a talk on this terrific native Texan, and we’ll be out here all day spreading the word about Ocelot conservation and how we can coexist with these wild cats.

WAIT! Ocelots can be found in the United States? That’s right!

There is a small population of Ocelots that reside in deep south Texas.

We estimate that there are approximately 60 to 80 wild Ocelots left in the state. And these cats are endangered.

The festival was a success with incredible turnout from the Brownsville community.

Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy the day at the zoo and to learn a little more about their wild neighbors.

Wild Ocelots need our help in order to survive on the Texas landscape.

Visit our website to learn more about this incredibly adorable wildcat and what you can do to help.Show less
