Birds Of The World: Royal Penguin

The Royal Penguin(Eudyptes schlegeli) is one of the 7 species of crested penguin. The Royal Penguin’s binomial name  is a tribute to German ornithologist Hermann Schlegel(10 June 1804 – 17 January 1884).

SpeciesE. schlegeli
BInomial NameEudyptes schlegeli
Length65-76 cm(2’1.6”-2’5.9”)
Weight3-8.1 kg(6.6-17.9 lbs.)
IUCN StatusLeast concern

Physical Characteristics

An adult Royal Penguin’s head is adorned with plumes. The average body length is 73 cm(2’4.7″) and weigh 5.53 kg(12.2 pounds).

Range and Habitat 

The Royal Penguin can be seen near the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, and can also be seen in Argentina. However this species breeds in Australia. Royal Penguins inhabit marine areas. 


Royal Penguin nesting colonies can be found on beaches; Royal Penguins also nest in areas where pebbles are plentiful. The nest is a depression in the sand or among stones. The clutch size is 2 eggs; both the mother and father share the duty of incubating the eggs for 32 to 37 days.  Royal Penguins reach sexual maturity at 7 to 9 years. 


Royal Penguins eat  fish, krill, and squid.


Royal Penguins are preyed on by fur seals, and skuas eat their eggs and chicks.
