You Showed Up For Wildlife in 2022

Thanks for showing up for wildlife in 2022. We wanted to make sure you had a chance to see what an amazing difference you’re making by supporting Defenders. Here’s to reaching new heights together in 2023.

Video Transcript:

Thank you for your commitment to preventing extinction, protecting habitat, and defending nature.

We couldn’t do what we do without you.

2022 flew by.

But the numbers prove that you helped protect wildlife and wild places this year.

24 Black-Footed Ferret kits released in the wild.

84 Yellowstone Bison were transferred to Tribal Nations in Montana, Washington, and Oklahoma.

75 years supported by defenders like you.

500th electric fence built for human and wildlife coexistence.

6 Red Wolf pups born in the wild, the first since 2018.

158 species of glass frogs given critical protections at the Convention on International Trade.

110,000+ supporter actions taken this year on behalf of wildlife and wild lands.

Thanks for showing up for wildlife in 2022.

And here’s to reaching new heights in 2023.
